“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” -Mark Twain

Monday, August 27, 2012

How's the Form? And Where's the Good Craic?!

Today I had a lot of meetings to go to, but it wasn't too
terrible...except for we have had peak waves of 16 ft! (And let me tell
you, we feel it a lot!) I can't tell you the amount of times people
have run into complete strangers from being tossed around the ship, but
at least it's a good way to meet people! Haha!

We had our first inter-port session today, and honestly, most of it was
pretty boring. (I hate to say that, but even some of the professors were
falling asleep!) The end was pretty great though, we listened to some
Irish music and learned a few Irish phrases! "How's the form?" means
"How you doin'?" and "Where's the craic?" (yes, pronounced like crack
haha) means "Where's the good time?"

I also had an Alumni Reception today for work, and it was awesome
getting to spend an hour with everyone who has sailed before and are
back for more! It was required for our work study, and it was also my
boss' birthday today! She didn't tell anyone this, so Dean Tymitz
started singing Happy Birthday. I faked sea sickness to run down to my
cabin to grab a birthday card (good thing I brought a lot!) And managed
to get the whole team to sign it without her noticing! :) I wish I
could upload pictures, but again, that will have to wait until
Friday-when we get into port! :)

I love being here on the ship, despite the sea sickness and the
ridiculous waves (we aren't allowed to go outside right now due to waves
and wind) but I'm going to have a game night with my Sea (GO RED
SEA!!) So I'll update more later!

Kate and her work study crew :)

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