“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” -Mark Twain

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

More fun times in Portugal!


Hey everyone! I just wanted to begin by saying Happy birthday to both
my little cousin, Evan, and my guinea pig Irene! :) Evan is going to be
perpetually 13, because I feel way too old when his birthday comes
around! Irene is one today :)

Anyway, on to discussing more about Portugal!!

The whole time I was in Portugal, I never traveled with the usuals: Amy,
Danielle, or Colleen. It's not like we got into an argument or
anything, but we just had different things to do on different days, and
honestly I had just as much fun hanging out with other people, and I'm
probably going to do that more often!

Well I made a promise to one of the Lifelong Learners, Barbara, that I
would go to the Oceanarium with her and another student, Tanya, the
second morning...I was exhausted because I had been out the night before
with Adan, Eugene and Brian, but I went with them instead of going to
the beach with the girls.

I expected more out of the Oceanarium...It's claim was it was the
biggest Oceanarium in Europe (maybe even the world). So I definitely
had high expectations for this place. However, when I was walking
through, I wasn't too impressed. The most they had going for them was
the giant tank, which could be seen from anywhere in the Oceanarium.
But it didn't seem like they put much effort into any other exhibits
really. The penguin exhibit was the second best, but only because if I
wanted to, I could've reached out and petted them. All the exhibits
aside from the giant tank were pretty small...I thought that the Newport
Aquarium was much better, because they put more into all of their
exhibits and have penguin shows, and play areas, etc. So while I know
people who loved the Oceanarium, I wasn't too impressed.

That night though, definitely made up for it! A spur of the moment
decision, I got a couple guys to go with me to the Lisbon soccer game!
It was Sporting vs. a team from Switzerland. Zach and Matt were the two
I went to the game with, and we actually ran into a few other SASers
there as well.

The game was SO much fun! We saw a couple yellow cards, and even a red
card! The final score was tied at 0-0, but the fans during the game
were so crazy. There were fans for Sporting on opposite ends of the
stadium, who were literally chanting back and forth to each other, in
perfect unison. The rival fans were just as loud, if not louder than
the Sporting fans! The game was definitely intense!

Zach and I got into the game by buying a cheap jersey for Sporting! I
have some good pictures of us in our jerseys :)

The last day of Portugal was pretty relaxed, I honestly just found some
free wifi and talked to my parents for a bit!

Overall, Portugal was definitely a great port, and probably one of my
favorites! I'll update about Spain soon! :)


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