“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” -Mark Twain

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Brussels-First SAS field trip!

Soo here's a short blurb about my first day in Belgium!  I was really excited because I thought I was going to be getting a tour of the European Union and then have someone come talk to us about environmental issues that they're focusing on now.

What really happened?

We walked around a couple parks for about 3 hours, and then we didn't get a tour, but someone lectured at us for about two hours...it was pretty awesome...

The guy who was talking to us didn't even know much about the environmental issues that we were asking about, he focused more on how the E.U. works, and what could happen if it falls through.  Which is a pretty important topic, but that wasn't what I paid money for, you know?

The night was pretty fun though!  Danielle and I decided oh about 20 minutes before I left for Brussels to switch our Europe plans...which meant I had to pack in a record time, because I ended up spending the night in Brussels with my friends Brett, Jake, and the girls they were traveling with.

We did get an amazing view of Brussels as we walked to our hostel, and unfortuantly, I left my camera on my bed in my cabin on the ship so I didn't get any pictures. :/

Anyway, the next morning at the crack of dawn, Brett was nice enough to get up and walk me to the train station so I didn't have to go in the dark by myself.  (I say he was nice enough because we all went out and got back to the hostel around 1ish?  And we left around 5:45 am haha).

Well Brett and I walked to the train station, only to find out that we're at the wrong one.  This wouldn't have been a problem if I wasn't meeting up with Danielle, Amy, and Colleen at the Paris train station before 8:30am.  (They were supposed to sleep at the train station in Paris because it was a late train and we were all going to Disney the next morning!!)

Well, Brett and I get to the train station that we now know to be the right one, and are looking around for an info station, when suddenly I hear "SARAH!"  And see Colleen running at me!

I was like "oh hey! Wait-what are you doing in this country?!" hahahha.  Only SASers :)

But we made it and then we went to DISNEY PARIS! Post about that next :)

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